My baby went to Kindergarten today. And he acted like he has been doing that everyday for the last 5 years. He was so excited. And I am too. Sad. Happy. Excited. Scared. All of the above. So many emotions. We brought him and his supplies to the class and got to meet the teacher. She seems very nice. Then we stayed for an orientation. I must admit, as hard as it is too leave him there and realize that he is not sad in the least, it's better than the lady who was in the hall with her son screaming at the top of his lungs "don't leave me mommy". That would have been too hard. I much rather my happy go lucky son who just said "bye Mommy & Daddy" and went off to meet his new classmates. Eric decided to take the day off so he could be there to pick him up with me on his first day.

As we were driving away, we saw him and his class out on the playground. We drove very slowly and just watched. They were the only ones out there, so we spotted him really quick. I don't think he saw us, which made me even more sad. LoL. I'm probably even more emotional than normal, because I barely slept last night. You would have thought it was mine or Eric's first day, we were up almost all night. Lol.
And not to leave Payton out of this entry, I've got something to share about her too. My family will really appreciate this. Last night we were doing our devotion and praying. Cameron was saying his prayer "Thank you Lord for our house, and thank you for dying for us, and thank you for living in our hearts, and thank you for... and Payton interjects "poopoo crunch". We were falling on the floor laughing. It was very hard to regain our composure and finish praying. That girl cracks us up sometimes.
Hope everyone has a great day. Cameron wanted spaghetti for supper on his first day, so I will be cooking spaghetti. And Eric thinks the occasion calls for a cookie cake. Yeah-he pretty much thinks that about all occasions. Lol.
Jenny and I didn't sleep great last night either. We kept wondering how Cameron's first day of school was going to be. I am so relieved after having read your blog. I just got off the phone with Jenny and told her it went great so far and how he wasn't scared or anything. I cried a little, they were happy tears.
Anyway hope you guys enjoy the cookie-cake crunch.
hi amber, good to hear that cameron's first day at school went well. gutted that you didnt make it into last scrapper..your design totally rocked! what are they thinking!!! thanks for your comments while i was away, we are safely back home and heading back to reality *sigh*
One of the first things I thought of this morning was Cam. I am so happy he had a good day.
Love you guys,
I almost fell out of my chair I was laughing so hard. Glad it all went well.
aww, Cameron is so cute lookin', w/his camo backpack :) great pictures!! love the 'poo poo crunch' thankfulness, so funny!
LOOK AT HOW CUTE HE LOOKS!!! Can't wait to see them scrapped, Amber!!!
And hope the cookie cake was good!
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