Wednesday, August 30, 2006

So Sleepy

Yes, I am. It has not been easy adjusting to Cam's new schedule. I feel tired all the time. I am and have always been a night person. I have trouble falling asleep before midnight, usually. Well that has all had to change in order to be up early. It's getting easier everyday. Except days like today when I was up from about 4:30 to 6:00. Payton has obviously been having trouble sleeping as well and coming into our room every night. Well last night it was 4:30, and that was about it for sleeping for me. Not sure what her deal is, she has done it every night since Sunday. Hopefully she starts sleeping better again, soon.

And I am not the only sleepy person in the house. Poor Cameron has been plum exhausted. 8:30 is obviously too late for him to get to bed, so tonight we are shooting for 8. Last night, Eric and I are laying in the living room watching tv. At about 9:30, Cameron goes walking into the playroom, Eric and I look at each other puzzled. I hear Cameron messing with the light switch, so I go to see what he was doing, and there he is standing up by the wall with his pants down about to pee. Poor child is so sleepy, he thought he was in the bathroom when he was indeed in the playroom. Just imagine if Eric and I had been in bed. This morning I asked him about it and he got upset. Poor heart. Kindergarten has him soooo exhausted. And he told me he is napping at school, so we just need to get him in bed earlier.

Thankfully, the one year anniversary of Katrina came and went without a storm. Eric and I have been watching the specials on tv and it makes me angry all over again. Those poor people sitting out in the baking sun with nothing, waiting to be rescued. Waiting for buses. I mean really, Louisiana is a pretty big state, could we not find buses somewhere? Seeing the elderly and the young kids just sitting there lethargic. Amazing that this happend not only in the US, but in my own state, just a few hours away. So very sad. And scary. I just pray that this NEVER happens again. And not to take away from Rita, she was pretty darn potent too. That anniversary will be coming up on Cameron's birthday. Last year we had to cancel his party, because Rita hit the night before. And so many people had devestation like with Katrina, but for some reason you never hear about that.

Well I am off to do some cleaning and scrapbooking with Payton. This girl is seriously going to be very creative. From the time we get home from dropping Cameron off, she asks me to spread newspaper out on the coffee table and she paints, and she colors, and she plays playdough, and she cuts and pastes. She does this until naptime, then she wakes up and starts again. All day. A girl after my very own heart. LoL.


Elizabeth said...

Hi amber!! found your blog from 2peas!
thanks for praising my latest stuff!you're so sweet!
man, I feel for you bout Katrina. watching all of the rehash, makes me wish I would have gotten my hiney down there to help. We're planning a trip down there, maybe Christmas-ish.
so fun, you have a partner in crime w/ the scrapping! that'll be so fun as she gets older =)

Anonymous said... cool that Payton does scrapping with you. I can't wait till my girls are into it too. have a great day amber:)

Ali said...

Ambrosia! So glad Payton is getting into art!
Do what i do to avoid anger looking at the past Katrina incident on tv: Don't CNN or HGTV or Travel channel...those are moderately safe, extremely comedic and sometimes romantic (for date nights).


darcy said...

We were watching Katrina specials on TV on Monday and I was wondering how close you were to all that. It was heart wrenching to watch it all again. =/

Poor Cam!! I'm glad you were able to direct him to the potty. =/

You gotta post some of Payton's work!! I wanna see it!

Deanna G. said...

Amber! You have a blog! Woo hoo. Most of the time, I just read people's comments and go, Awww, that's swweet, but don't pay attention to the signatures. Which reminds me, I gotta add my link to mine. Anyway, glad I found your blog - your layouts are incredible and I always look forward to taking a peek. Have a good night!

On to Jr. High!