Not much going on over here except painting, painting and more painting. Working on some new things to get on Ebay. Thankfully, everything thus far has sold really well. My poor hand and fingers have cramps like you wouldn't believe. LoL. I'm gonna try and take most of today off though. I've been painting all week and need some mommy/Payton time today. She has been such a trooper. We've painted so much though, I think even she's sick of it. Will post pics of everything soon.
Lots going on this weekend. 2 parties, shopping for Cam's bday, crab boil at the in-laws tomorrow evening (yum). Hopefully some painting time in there somewhere.
Hope you all have a fabulous weekend!
Well, better safe than sorry. Have a good week end. I won't. I'm still upset about Tucker Carlson being voted off Dancing with the stars
love that pic of the kids on the swing. yep better safe than sorry. hope you had a great weekend.
oh you're funny!!
love that they are wearing helmets!!
have fun painting =)
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