I occassionally scrap on the office desk, but the majority of the time (because Payton wants to scrap with me) I bring all of my baskets of stuff out to the breakfast area sofa. Not sure what the white dot on the sofa is all about. Something with my camera. There is a huge window right behind the sofa, so it's nice to have all of that natural light when scrapping.

Cannot believe that it's only a couple of days until Thanksgiving. Tomorrow I have a (very long overdue) hair appointment. Which means a couple of hours of peace and quiet. Cannot wait. Cameron's already bored as can be, he and Payton are fighting like crazy and I'm considering changing my name to anything other than Mommy. I've heard it lots in the last few days. LOTS. And then my mother in law offered for the kids to sleep over Thanksgiving night so that I can go shopping with my mom and sister Friday. Wow. I'm overwhelmed with the thought of shopping without the kiddies. Overwhelmed.
I probably wont post again until after Thanksgiving, so I want to wish you all a wonderful holiday. We usually put up our tree the day before Thanksgiving so I guess that will be tomorrow evening. The kids are very excited! And I must admit I am too. It is after all, the most wonderful time of the year!
hi amber..really sorry to hear about cameron's scooter....its so frustrating when that sort of thing happens...
Love the pics of your little space. i have just discovered mine but have to share it with the washing and old baby clothes so it looks a bit messy :)
have a great thanksgiving, we don't celebrate that here so will be thinking of my friends who do :)
i have exciting news too....i am in the final 20 of a UK magazine 'scrapbooker of the year' competition. The winner is decided by public vote. so come by my blog for the link ;)
have a blessed weekend
hi amber! my son likes scrapping with me too and i love spending time with him that way. i see a sewing machine! i need to find time to learn how to use mine!
Happy Thanksgiving to you and your family!
thanks for sharing your space!! I think you should take over the kids' room. then you won't have to play the take out and clean up game!!
Awww, I so love your space Amber. And your home looks so gorgeous and warm.
My little doogie brother Alex likes to scrap with me. He hangs out on the bed or under my chair :) Heh.
Hope you and your family have a most wonderful TGiving!!!
love your little cozy spot.
how fun.
its so cool that you little one joins in for the scrappin fun.
i can't wait until my daighter is a bit older and we can create togehter.
have a blast getting your hair cut.
nothing beats that quiet pamper time.
happy Thanksgiving too!!
Your house looks comfy cozy!
And YAY for new hair! I love it!!
Happy Thanksgiving... good luck at all the sales. =)
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