Sorry I haven't updated in a while. It's been very hectic around here, yet very boring. Not much to blog about! Eric's crazy time of year has started and he's been getting off a little late and working Saturdays. Although this Saturday we had two birthday parties. One was a movie party and the movie was Happy Feet. Has anyone seen this movie? So inappropriate for kids, I thought. Luckily, both of my kids slept through most of it and probably didn't understand what they did see. I was quite shocked at some of the songs. (I'll Make Love to You, Let's Talk About-I'm pretty sure he said X, but you get the gist.) Not for kiddies, in my humble opinion. That's why I kinda like to stick with the G movies for my 2. At 2 and 5, they don't need to hear those things in a movie. Sadly, I'm sure they'll hear it soon enough in school. The mom and dad that hosted the party came up to me after and were like "was that a kid's movie"? Sadly yes it was supposed to be. Enough rambling.
Enjoying getting to know my new camera. Thinking of giving it a name like Elsie did. lol. I love it so very much!
Hope everyone has a wonderful day. And to all my blog readers who are AHS alumni (all 2 of you). STATE CHAMPS BABY! Woot woot!
No way!!! It's about time.
I agree with Jenny, it is about time you wrote in this thingy, whatchamacallit...oh
Bombay we didn't look...maybe this weekend.
I am currently at the Superstation...and I finished everything I was supposed to about 2 hours...the sad thing is I have 3 more days here!!!
Oh.. that's so sad to hear about Happy Feet! They need to warn parents about that stuff.. it looks like a kids movie!
Congrats on the State win! Whoo-hoo!
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