Monday, February 19, 2007

Quiet Weekend

Really quiet. I was home by myself for most of it. Caught up on tv, enjoyed the new ipod. No scrapping time though and that was a bummer. The entire weekend was spent catching up on painting, and well, I'm still a little behind. For those that asked, I have been painting artwork for kids rooms. Mostly stuff to match bedding. People email me pics, and I try to match the bedding the best I can. I've always loved painting, so it's been a fun thing to do. I just got overwhelmed for a bit, because I never expected it to get soooo busy. But now I'm playing catch up.

Friday night was some kinda wonderful. I dropped the kids off at my mother in laws after Cameron got home. Eric and I went to a restaurant that we had never been to called Catahoula's. It was a rare occassion. I actually ordered a steak. Those of you who know me well know that I don't eat steak. Period. I have NEVER ordered steak in a restaurant before in my entire life. And I seldom eat it at home. If we are cooking steaks, I usually eat chicken or a pork chop. I've just never been a fan of a slab of meat. But this one was some yummy. It was a filet mignon stuffed with crab meat covered with a lump crab meat sauce. Yeah, that was right up my alley. And I ate every bite, and I even finished mine before Eric finished his. (We ordered the same thing). So there you have it, my first steak experience. Eric was shocked that I ordered a steak. I tried to get a few pics of us that night, but I've discovered that taking a pic of yourself is not as easy with a big ole camera. So alas, every pic looked like I had 3 or 4 chins. Well, I probably do, but I surely do not need to share that with you all. LoL.

Saturday and Sunday, Eric was helping his sister roof her garage all day. He brought the kids both days to run around and play with their cousins. So the house was extremely quiet. And she bought him a new video ipod for helping. So, now we both have one.
Cameron slept there again last night with his cousins. He's outta school until Thursday for the Mardi Gras holiday. We don't do Mardi Gras. I used to before I got married. But well, let's just say that one year I pretty much saw a man get shot. I heard the shots and saw the body and that pretty much ruined me on it forever. And Eric feels the same. Especially having young kids now. So we usually just stay home and enjoy the quiet day. The kids don't seem to mind. ;)


Anonymous said...

so glad you had some time to get things done. and one-on-one time with the DH is fabulous!

one of these maybe I'll do Mardi Gras. My parents did it a few yars ago...and their in their 50's. but they didn't do it the "traditional" way, thank God...

Deanna G. said...

its only 9 a.m. here and that steak sounds yummy :) haha. so glad you had a nice and lovely evening. i totally utterly hands down hear you on the trying to take a picture of the two of you with your arm contorted and you tryna lean alllllllllll the way back hence the triplechin. yeah. got me a TON of those :) hahahaha. so funny amber.

mardi gras sounds colorful and fun but i'd be hesitant too after your first hand experience. time with the family is allllllllways good though.

happy monday amber!

ps - t-minus two days. woot.

darcy said...

Hmmm.. steak... way to make me hungry now, Amber!!! =)

Okay, the shooting thing is scary! I can see why you are turned off now. =/ Yikes!

Ali said...

Congrats on your peace and quiet!

Response to your question response:
There were flowers...not 40 dozen...there was sushi and reservations...there was no horse carriage ride or snow or laptop...but there was a Jamaica Cruise...actually no cruise yet!

I remember the last time I went to Mardi Gras...I got stabbed in the back while people stole my beads! I haven't been back....that was when I was 6 yrs old! The guy who stabbed me was 35yrs old! What really hurt me the most was they also got me doubloons!

Alex Hardy said...

i am enjoying a brief moment
of silence while i type this.
so nice to just chill with
the hubby, huh?
& YAY for cousin sleepovers.
those were the *best*.

Heidi Joe said...

Hey Amber... glad you got some quiet time! And you're braver than me with the steak... but the crab sounds YUM.

A tip for a good self portrait? Hold the camera up above your head...not too high,though. And slightly to the side, like you're trying to take a photo of your forehead from the top. If it's you and another person, have the taller person do it... then look up at the camera, and POOF! All chins disappear! YAY!

Anonymous said... the sound of that steak. just looking at some of your other posts and love the DORA one. Maisie is really into Dora at the moment and i have promised her a dora party when she is 3. she spied payton's party bits and was totally into the idea of Dora everything...hope its as easy to get here!!! mind you its not till september so she might have even grown out of it by then!! LOL

Jill H said...

ahhh, i can't believe you've lived this long without ordering a steak!! sounds like a good weekend, i'm a little jealous of that quiet time, lol ;)

michelle raMirez said...

oh how i love Mardi gras! its probably not the same if you live there though.

yea for the big steak girl. sounds super yummy.
cheers to the quiet family weekend..ahhhh.

On to Jr. High!