Wednesday, July 25, 2007


So I'm perusing this morning. As I do every morning. It's kinda like my morning cup of coffee. ;) I go to the catwalk section. Because a few of my girlahs have been featured there before. (The Design Team picks layouts that they like to be featured on the catwalk every week). Hoping to see one of my girlahs again, I almost fall out of my chair when I see this. Scroll down a little to Lisa Garay. Very unexpected. Made my day. :)


Ali said...

I noticed that this morning also, I was going to email you about it...guess I don't need to now you know! It really was a great LO and worth Picking.

Anonymous said...

wow...thats a great layout amber. love the pic of payton too, she is such a cutie :) Congrats

Alex Hardy said...

that one was one schweeeeet page girlah!
congrats {high-fivin}

Heidi Joe said...

Um... I dunno, to me that was a no brainer! You're so awesome!

I think it was because you liberated the Heidi Swapp flower center. ;)

Congrats to you!! WOOOTY WOO!

Jamie Ko said...

Heck yea!! I was doing the woohoo when I saw it...I just love seeing people I know on almost makes it feel like its me!! super huge congrats deserve it!! bask in all the glory while you can!!

michelle.g said...

what an awesome lo, amber! it's so cute...of course it should be there! congrats!!

Jill H said...

yay for you :) so cool!!!

Deanna G. said...

AMBER! I SAW THIS. DUDE. CONGRATULATIONS. Sorry I was using all caps as I was so excited at the edge of my seat here at work :) hahahah. That layout is awesome. Well well deserved. Yay for the aC!

MsTurnerMathTeacher said...

WOW!! Awesome layout. BTW I love the monkey sticker. :)

On to Jr. High!