During our wonderphone call on Sunday, we discussed what we had all eaten for dinner. Although some of hadn't eaten yet. It's pretty crazy that some of us were about to go to bed and others hadn't even eaten supper because it was like, oh, 5:00 their time. In the spirit of my girlah, Jamie, I had every intention of putting up pics of last night's supper. But well, it was so good, it didn't make it to the picture stage.
We have an unbelievably good meat market here called NuNu's. Strange name I know. They just opened one about 5 minutes from our house. Anyways, it was boneless chicken thighs stuffed with cream cheese and spinach, wrapped in bacon. Um, hello? That stuff was so good. I was like, can we go get some more. Eric's like, tonight? I'm like yeah, not to cook tonight, just for the future. Pretty much anything with cream cheese is a winner for me. These NuNu's people are genius I tell you.
Went to the eye doctor yesterday morning. Basically she told me I'm blind. This I know. She also told me that I had an abrasion on my left eye???? Um, ok. It's extremely frustrating when they have you take out your contacts and you cannot see a thing and then she's sitting there talking to me for like 10 minutes and I can't see her face. So annoying. But anyhoo, I was seeing better than 20/20 with my contacts, which is good. Without them I'm probably like 20/600 (if that exsists). In my world, I think it does. Eric says there may be Laser Eye Surgery in the not-so-distant future. I say bring-it-on! :)
im sposed to wear my glasses 24.7 but i don't. haha. im gonna get that crinkly nose wrinkle from squinting so much :op dude! i heard laser is awesome! they say for a split second, you can't see anything... it goes all black, then all of a sudden, you're clear as all heck! whoa :) that must be liberating, eh?!
Could you imagine... "What'd yall have for dinner?" "Nunus!" Bwahahhaa.
Hellawww? Hellohhhhh? Bwahahah. SO funny aC :D
I wanted to say during the wonderphone that ANYTHING wrapped in bacon is good. I think I heard that on Top Chef or something. but it's so true.
I'm so tempted to just come to LA just to eat. there's crawfish and now NuNu's...enough said!!
I agree that anything involving bacon is bound to be good.
Funny story... I used to HATE bacon... like LOATHE it. Gross me out. But ever since we moved here, I'm like yum, bacon! Bring it ON! I think it's because I crossed the Rocky mountains or something. Like you know how Hellman's mayonnaise is Best Foods west of the Rockies?? I myself, was bacon-free west of the Rockies.
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