Monday, October 29, 2007

Insert Clever Title Here

So the weekends over. Sadly. But Saturday was great. We went to the park and took a nature walk on the nature trail. The weather was absolutely gorgeous. We kinda had to rush home because Cameron had a friend's party in the afternoon. But we still enjoyed every minute of it.

The rest of the weekend was spent hauling out stuff from the attic and pricing items for the upcoming garage sale. Fun stuff folks.

As an update to a previous post, the neighbors have added a 10 foot grim reaper and graves to the front yard and smeared (what one can only hope is) fake blood all over their garage. Because seriously, the psycho clown and freakish masked man just weren't enough.

And I'm maybe just a little bitty teeny bit jealous of this (that would be the October 27th post, just in case she updates) ;) LoL. Sounds like an awesome time you three had! Seriously. Cannot wait until it's all 7.

Happy Monday. :)

Thursday, October 25, 2007

Blah, Blah, Blog

Just checking in.

So today is the first time this week I actually get to sit down at the computer and check in on my peeps and just browse. I'm becoming hooked on etsy all over again. Seriously folks, if you love looking at cool things, is the place for you. I just made my first purchase. It's for the girlah kits. Even though mines not until March, I figure I better get it while I can. Speaking of Girlahs, my thoughts and prayers are with you girls who either live near where the fires are taking place or have family and friends that do. So crazy. And sad.

Payton is spending the day at Grandma's today. Hopefully lots of painting will get done. That is, if I ever tear myself away from the computer. We are having a garage sale next weekend, so that's been taking up a lot of my time too. Trying to get things together. Saturday we will be up in the attic. That's a scary thing. You should see our attic. It's full of junk. Someone else will think it's treasure, hopefully.

We have been having some wonderfully delightful weather. The highs all week have been lower 60's. Lows in the 40's. ♥ing it to say the least.

Friday, October 19, 2007

A Random Friday List...

I'm all about the listy posts lately. I think it's because there is soooo much going on in my head and lists help me organize those thoughts. LoL

1. Our freaky neighbors. Seriously, folks.Click on the picture to make it bigger, so that you can check out the windows. Ohmyword. And they have young kids. All I keep thinking is how do the kids sleep with that in their house. My kids already don't sleep half the time. And we don't have a freaky life-sized clown or psycho operating masked man in our house.
Not to mention the half a man under the lawn mower in the front yard. Payton was quite distraught by this the other day. She kept asking why there was a man under the lawn mower. LoL.

2. Tomorrow is ULL's Homecoming. The schools around the city are celebrating too. Today was Rockin with the Cajuns day. The boys had to wear their sleeves rolled up, sunglasses and slicked back hair.

3. Last night on the local news, there was a man doing the crimestoppers. There was a burglary somewhere where the theives got away with 2 band instruments, some flour, sugar and 18 meat patties. Eric and I started giggling. It's extremely important that they get those 18 meat patties back.

4. Apparently Fall is making another short stop in Louisiana next week. Only for 2 days though. Bummer.

5. It's Friday. Just sayin.

Wednesday, October 17, 2007

MIA, yet again...

Not me this time (well, yeah me), but the FALL is MIA in good ole south Louisiana. Seriously, 90 degrees tomorrow? Mid-October. Not exactly the fall weather one might hope for. We had a little tease last weekend, but by Monday it was long gone.

Today marks the 10 year anniversary of Eric and I's first date. We went to a high school football game with 5 other couples. Quite the big group date, but our first date nonetheless.
Here is a pic from when we were dating. Note the skinny girl in the pic, has anybody seen her? Cuz she is definitely MIA.

*Life has been insane. But a good insane. LoL. Lots and lots of painting. Having a little party at the house on Saturday morning. Um, yeah that would be the house that is filthy right now from neglect. That would be that painting thing again.

*Had a mommy day and a half while Payton stayed at Grandma's. Mommy got her hair trimmed and colored nice and fallish. Hopefully that will beckon the cool weather.

*Payton wants to be a dentist and sunday school teacher when she grows up. Cameron wants to be a chef. I need to do a scrapbook page on that before I forget. Or at least write it down.

*Happiest of Birthdays to my friend D, who was on the 15th and MawMaw Pye on the 16th.

*Off to bring Payton to dancing. She's got a big knot on her forehead from last night where Eric tripped over her and knocked her head first on the cement.

*Tv's been keeping me occupied while I paint at night. Watching Dancing with the Stars, The Bachelor, The Biggest Loser, Heroes.

*Glad that Jenny and Ali are coming in this weekend. Looking forward to some Tokyo Live. Yummy Hibatchi.

Happiest of Wednesdays to you.

Thursday, October 11, 2007

M I A...

Yet another week has flown by. Friday tomorrow, already. I've been kinda missing in action. Here's a little sampling of what's keeping me soooo busy. It's not leaving much time for scrapping. But it's been totally worth it! ;)

Friday, October 05, 2007


Yay for Friday. This week flew by. Seriously.
Eric got braces yesterday. It's so crazy to see my hubby with braces. It's something he's always wanted to do for himself, and I'm so glad he finally got too. He's extremely sore and wants a milkshake for dinner tonight. LoL. I feel his pain, mine was 17 years ago.
I am sooooooo extremely excited about going to see this in November.

I love Cats so very much. We were trying to have a mommy/daddy weekend in a couple of weekends, but when I saw Cats was coming, we changed to November. I had always wanted to see this show and a few years ago, Eric and I finally got to see it. And I fell in love with it. And I cannot wait to see it again! The 17th of October marks the 10th anniversary of Eric and I's first date, so I wanted to do something special. We'll be celebrating about a month late, but better late than never! ;)

Not much on tap for the weekend, Eric is helping his brother do something or other at his house tomorrow. He's bringing the kids to play with their cousins, so I'll be home painting. Then tomorrow evening, we're thinking about going to a football game. See if maybe we can change our football teams grim 0-5 start. LoL.

Tuesday, October 02, 2007

On a Tuesday...

**On Saturday, Eric and I took the kids fishing at Catfish Heaven. I didn't want to bring my big camera out there in fear that it would get messed up or dropped in a pond or nasty bait all over it. Hence, no pictures. Guess who caught the first fish? Payton! Yep. She was just sitting there all patient with her rod casted out and she gets a bite and I help here reel it in. She was soooo excited. Unfortunately, Cam was the only one who didn't catch one. He's just not patient enough yet. After Payton caught her first one, when she'd get a bite, she'd throw her pole down. Once I almost had to jump in the water after it, the fish was taking it in. Overall, we had a great time and caught 10 catfish. Sunday evening, Eric fried some of them up. They were yummy!

**On the way home, we had 2 miles to go until empty on a long road in the middle of nowhere. We made it to the gas station though. Apparently, we were so excited about fishing that we failed to check the gas gauge while driving there.

**On football. I love football. Seriously. And I find it a tad bit ironic that a woman that loves football would marry a man who cannot stand it. But anyhoo, that's just me. My two fave teams college and NFL. (UL Lafayette and the Saints) have a fabulous combined start of 0-8. Nice huh?

**The Simply Vera shoes that I showed you the other day. Still love em. So much in fact, that I purchased a pair in the graphite. Really cool blackish silverish color.

**I received my girlah kit yesterday from A-Radd. I need to find the time to scrap with these goodies. I have lots of ideas running through my head right now. Need to write them down before I forget them all!

**Payton's on her way to Grandma's in about 15 minutes. I get a mommy day! Woohoo! But too busy painting to go out and enjoy it. The quiet will be nice though.

** The cat is down to 7 lives after I closed the garage door on him. He's still alive and kicking though.

**Payton is loving dancing. She asks to go everyday. I'm kinda thinking she would have loved school this year. But I couldn't bear to send her a year early. I'm enjoying having her home with me. I think she'll be more than ready next fall.

**That's about all I've got for today. Hope your week is going well!! :)

On to Jr. High!