Tuesday, July 29, 2008
Yet Another Post That Mentions This Game...

Friday, July 25, 2008
So The Blog...
Tuesday, July 22, 2008
Insert Clever Title Here
*Payton was reading to us from her Bible the other night and I quote "I pwedge of an awegiance to the fwag that we may do hip hop."
*Cameron finally got a much needed haircut. Although I must say, I was kinda liking his mop top. He looked like a little surfer dude on the beach, but with school only a few weeks away, he was in need of a cut. I don't have an after shot yet, but here's the before. He wanted to see if we could get it into a ponytail, um yeah. It was long. Now it's really short and undoutebly cooler for him on these scorching summer days. (Yes this is Cam and not Payton, LoL.)
*The weekend was really nice. E's birthday was fabulous. We went to our fave restaurant and ate a relaxing meal. On Saturday, we woke up and went have brunch, then did a little shopping before picking up the kid's at mom's. Our church has a service on Saturday evening, so we went to that and relaxed all day Sunday. Eric cooked a crab stew which was so good. And we swam for hours. Oh and of course played Mario Kart. As I said a few posts back, we're hooked. ;)
*I'm thinking that I need to start school supply shopping asap. I ran into the store yesterday for something and the school supply section was like a toy store on the day after Thanksgiving. Scary. And on a Monday morning no less. And Cam's list is so specific (certain colored folders, etc.), that I'm worried they'll run out before I get there.
*I've been reading a lot. Which I love. I just finished 3 books in this series.
I'm working on this one now. It's good so far. Read a lot of it last night.
And my mom gave me this book to read next. I'm enjoying the summer reading. Reminds me of when I was younger.

Happy hot July summer day to you! :)
Friday, July 18, 2008
Monday, July 14, 2008
The New Addiction in This Household...

We bought this game immediately following vacation. I mean we literally drove home and Eric left to find it. Ali brought his Wii and this game on vacation and we fell in love with it. So now, we play it everynight. It is so fun. Yesterday, we were able to link to Ali and play with him over the internet. So cool. We had he and Jenny on speakerphone the whole time and were able to see his guy racing with ours. The coolest thing.
**Trying to get back to painting, but ebay's not playing nice. They are not on my good list right now. At all.
**Started buying a few things for back to school this weekend. Got both the kid's new tennis shoes. Bought Cam his new backpack (the one he liked was on sale at Target). And the lunchbag Payton liked was on sale at Target as well. You can't beat that.
**E's birthday is Friday. Looking forward to a Mommy/Daddy date night. Feels like it's been forever. Seriously.
**Literally less than a month left until Cam's first day of school. This summer has gone by really fast. (Not to mention school starts really early this year). No word on Pay's first day though.
**It's hotter than hot right now. The kids swam most of the weekend. Thank God for the pool.
**Happy Monday. :)
Monday, July 07, 2008
I'm Outta Touch
Just a quick little update about what's going on in my neck of the woods. I'll leave you with some more vacay pics. Happy Monday! :)
I know that my family and some very close friends read this blog. I also know that people that don't know me so well read this blog. So,...
promise. But still very excited about Lost nonetheless. And we started watching the Nine, not sure if that will be a good one or not, but ...