Saturday, March 14, 2009


Good for the house and the soul. So it's a rainy Saturday afternoon today. Eric was watching a college basketball game and I was a little bored, so I started going through scrapbook stuff. I was trying to throw as much out as possible. So Eric passes by after a bit and goes into our room. Once I finished going through the scrapbook shelves, I go in to find him cleaning out our closet. He had piles of clothes to keep, throw away and donate. So it's contagious apparently. And feels so good. I seriously feel like I've lost 10 pounds today. Sadly you wouldn't know it by looking at me. ;) But once I moved to our bathroom cabinets I was finding medicine that expired in 1999. Seriously? We threw away 5 huge bags of stuff. And that was just scrapbook stuff, our closet and our master bath!

Happy weekend!!


Shainanakins said...

oooh purging can you come purge over at my house..LOL!!! ;o) miss you guys!

Ali said...

sounds like something you do to crawfish

Heidi Joe said...

I have been cleaning like a crazy person lately, too... something about Spring and wanting to make everything smell good. Love it!

Alex Hardy said...

hahaha ... there must be a Girlah Cleaning Epidemic going on ... I've been sorting/purging/tossing too!

but mostly because I've been addicted to watching Clean House. LoL.

On to Jr. High!