Wednesday, December 31, 2008

And A Happy New Year...

So Christmas has come and gone (thankfully). It's a tough time of year when you're married to a jeweler. My dear friend Shaina can attest to that. ;)

When it finally got here, it was wonderful. Well maybe except for the fact that we could have worn shorts. The kids got more than enough toys and other assorted gifts. I got a new lens for my camera (which is just what I wanted). Eric got clothes, cologne, etc. No big surprises this year as my brain couldn't come up with anything good. And with a cruise coming soon, I didn't want to overdo it.

So here are some pics. I love this first one of Eric's uncle who's almost 90 years old reading from a people magazine about Kevin Federline's life with Britney. Priceless.

Eric reading the Christmas story to us before we opened gifts.
It was a Littlest PetShop year for Payton. And I don't think that she minded one bit! ;)

Cameron and his nanny. I can't get over how much they look alike these days. Payton discovering the Barbie bike she's been wanting. A happy camper she was!
Cameron and his presents. Mostly video game stuff. Big surprise there.
So anyway, it was another good Christmas. Now we look on to 2009. Can you believe it will be here in a few hours? We're heading to Eric's mom and dad's for seafood gumbo, firecracker popping, etc. Should be a fun night.

Wishing all of my family and friends a Happy and very healthy 2009!!!

Tuesday, December 16, 2008

Busy Bee...

That's me. I'm thinking that if you took my blood pressure yesterday, it would have been off the charts. Literally the busiest day of my life. Today's a little more settled, but still busy nonetheless.

I wanted to share some more snow pics (tomorrow's going to be 80 degrees, so I want to relive the Christmas weather). When we went out that morning, Payton cried because it was cold and wet. LoL. She was truly miserable. (I guess there's a reason we don't live up north.) Anyway, school wasn't cancelled but we let Cam play for a few hours and then sent him. (I figured the snow would be all melted in a few hours and they'll be home together for the next 2 weeks...) After he left, Payton and I went in the backyard, at that point it wasn't actually snowing anymore, so she really enjoyed herself. She was making snowballs and throwing them at the fence. I'm hoping for some scrap days after the holidays. I seriously cannot wait to scrap snow pics!!

Anyway, in the end, she decided that she does indeed like the snow. And Cameron wants it to snow on a weekend next time so that everyone's off. And I totally agree... ;)

Thursday, December 11, 2008

As Long As You Love Me So...

Let it snow! Let it snow! Let it snow!! This morning we actually woke up to a winter wonderland. Happy campers in South Louisiana today, folks...

Tuesday, December 09, 2008

Life In the Fast Lane...

Or so it feels. I would love to be able to press the pause button, but sadly, I can't seem to find a pause button. Except for the one on the DVR remote, which I'm thinking won't work.

Recap. 32 arrived at my doorstep. I welcomed it in and am settling in nicely. It was a lovely day. I picked up my own cake (lol...Eric ordered it, but was so busy with work, he couldn't make it to pick it up.) We had boiled crabs for supper (which were sooo yummy, and coincidentally, I picked those up as well). LoL.

There were gifts, crabs, christmas music, cookie cake...A wonderful evening all around...

On Friday night, the kids spent the night at my mom and dad's and Eric and I went out to our fave restaurant for supper. Then home to bed where we fell asleep watching the news. Can you stand the excitement? I swear that I did only turn 32, not 62...

The air conditioner just kicked on, which reminds me. It's like 76 the high today...Tomorrow's high? 44. The sore throat, sneezing, sinus headache will be in full effect I'm sure.

Happy Tuesday!! :)

Monday, December 01, 2008

Thanksgiving Recap...

So Thanksgiving has come and gone. It was a wonderful holiday.

Trimming the tree while watching the Charlie Brown Thanksgiving. Love it. The kids especially love the part where they eat popcorn, jelly beans and toast for Thanksgiving. LoL. And Cameron's been singing the "little birdie" song since we watched it. Looking forward to the Christmas one. The dancing is our favorite part. And I love that they still tell the true meaning of Christmas. On a side note, doesn't Cameron look old in this pic? It's frightening, really...Speaking of which, basketball practice starts tonight. And coach Eric will be making his coaching debut. He's nervous, but I'm sure he'll do fine. I've been researching "coaching 7 and 8 year old basketball" and have found some good drills and such for him to use. Looking forward to seeing them both in action!
Lots of eating and game playing took place over the holiday. Mainly Sorry and Uno. Lots of yummy food too.
I had been eating really good for the last several weeks, and on Thanksgiving day, I kind of just let myself go. Way overboard. I still feel blah because of it. Back to business today though, until Christmas comes around. ;)

My mom and I decided to brave the Black Friday madness. It was worth it. I nearly finished my shopping. And before December. That is a record for me. Well, I can't say that I finished as I didn't even start shopping for Eric. But everyone else it done, including the kids...Woohoo!

Hope that your Thanksgiving was wonderful. The countdown to Christmas has begun!! :)

On to Jr. High!