my blog readers know that this is pretty exciting. She is like a scrapbook diva, lol. She is in one of the biggest scrapbook magazines regularly, she has a book about scrapping coming out in July, and she is by far my favorite scrapper ever. So exciting!!! So anyway I just had to share that. I even called Eric at work to tell him. Crazy I know, but I had talked about her before so he knew who I was talking about, and even he was impressed:) So that pretty much made my day, lol.
So today we had 8 palletts of sod (grass) delivered that we will be laying ourselves over the next couple of days. I am dreading all of that work. Of course the end result will be fabulous (we will finally have grass in our back yard), but oh the work ahead of us! I always thought that grass just grew. I mean when I was younger everyone I knew had grass, I just thought it grew on its own. Well not so much. After a year & a half of a back yard with dirt and weeds, it will be so nice to actually have grass to walk on.
Wanted to share another layout with ya. This was a picture taken on our hike
up to Laurel Falls in TN. The picture came out very blurry so I wanted to do something fun with it. I hope you can read it all. It is about my fave TV show.
Umm--I think you can all guess what that is. It is a silly one, but I like how it turned

"Ali leading the way w/ his backpack--Jack",
"Jenny w/ her long, dark hair right behind him--Kate", and
"Eric (minus the drug addiction w/ Payton (Aaron) on his shoulders--Charlie".
Ok so I'd rather him be Sawyer, but let's face it, we wouldn't see Sawyer with a child on his shoulders-lol. Had fun with this one!
Payton's bed will be in tomorrow. (Another good reason for the Woohoo title). So I fully expect to have completed room pics on the blog Monday. I will be laying grass down like a mad woman until then. So everyone have a fabulous holiday weekend!