Yes, I made up a word. Meaning that we don't do hospitals. We just don't. See previous post when my son smashed his face on the cement with blood pouring out all over. No hospital, just a quick call to the oncall doc. I think my not wanting to go to hospitals stems from the fact that I hate paying money for them to state the obvious and then send me home. In the instance of Cameron, the oncall doc told me to apply ice, give Tylenol and Motrin. Easy enough.
So last January, when Payton stuck a bead almost to her brain, I was hesitant to go.. But when it became obvious that it wasn't coming out, I broke down and took her. I think my hesitation was well justified see
here. Oh and FYI, the cost of pulling a bead from a child's nose? $500.00. Just saying.
Fast forward to Thursday. Things were going as planned, kids were brushed and in bed, Lost was on, all was right in our little world. Except for Eric having a few stomach cramps. So a little while later, we are in bed and his right side is really hurting at this point, I'm thinking appendix, so I go get the computer to do a little researching on webmd. He's got most of the symptoms. At this point he's got the chills, horrible cramps in his side and is nauseous. I'm a little panicky at this point, but he says he wants to try to get some sleep. **Let me just add that Wednesday night, I barely slept at all between Payton coming in 4 times, the neighbors dog barking like an idiot and a lost cell phone beeping every few minutes because the battery is about dead.** So I fall asleep really quickly. He wakes me up about 10 minutes later saying that he cannot stand the pain anymore. He's doubled over. Cannot stand, sit, lay, nothing. So I jump up and call my dad over to come sit with the kids. And drive speeding like a crazy woman to the nearest hospital. Oh yeah, I'm crying too thinking that my hubby's appendix is about to rupture.
So we get to the ER and of course it's crazy busy. He's doubled over and white as a ghost. We tell the lady in admitting who "goes to get a nurse" who never shows up. Finally I go and knock on the glass door of the triage area and tell the lady that we think my husband's appendix is gonna burst, could she possibly do something. I'm in tears at this point (yet again). So she goes to get a wheelchair and they bring him in the room. He's almost screaming in agony at this point. I'm pretty much hysterical. He starts throwing up which is another symptom of the appendicitis. The nurse comes in and puts him an iv and gives him pain killers. He's finally ok. And it's not appendicitis after all, it's a kidney stone. I almost laugh at the irony, 6 years ago I was in this position, except at the end of my laboring, I had a cute and cuddly baby. At the end of his, he's gonna have... a rock. Apparently kidney stones are about as bad as labor. Except I was trying to pass a 9 lb. 3 oz. 22 inch baby, he's passing a 4mm stone. But it is an extremely painful thing, nonetheless.
We had to stop after the ER and fill some prescriptions for pain killers, we got home at about 5:30 in the morning. I was so exhausted it wasn't funny. I slept for about an hour and a half and then got up to get Cam on the bus. Then Eric and I slept most of the morning, into the afternoon. Thank God Payton can occupy herself pretty good. She would play in the playroom and then come sit and watch Caillou.
Here we are Sunday night, and Eric still hasn't passed his kidney stone. We are anxiously awaiting it's arrival. It pretty much ruined a weekend that I was really looking forward to. Date night Saturday, and a semi one on Sunday.
So 2 ER trips in 2 months. Apparently we have become hospitally. I'm not proud.
***This post was written with Eric's consent. And by consent, I mean that I told hm "You do realize I'll be blogging about this, right?"***