Thursday, January 31, 2008
On the American Idol front, I haven't been too inspired about the contestants, so I'm going to include one of my all time favorite auditions from a few seasons back. Too funny this guy. And impossible to understand.
Happy Happy Lostday to you folks. I'm a geek, but you already knew this. ;)
Thursday, January 24, 2008
It's The Final Countdown.....
Cannot wait.
So last night, American Idol was a toss up. So I included my top 3 for the night.
a) seriously making out on camera and then singing a duet.
b) for the angry Fancy rendition all the while annoying me to bits with her sleeves falling off of her shoulders.
c) for the tantrum after being told he couldn't sing.
So that's all. It's a cold rainy day. Aside from a quick trip to the Post Office, Payton and I will be locked up inside all day. Kinda like it though. Oh and for those of you who inquired, there was no snow in these parts. Not even a flurry to speak of. :(
Wednesday, January 23, 2008
Friday, January 18, 2008
Hey, Hey, Hey, It's FRIDAY!!
No real reason, just ready for the weekend. There's a miniscule (is that a word?) possibility of snow in the morning. Tiny, microscopic, but a chance none the less. And we like snow chances. ;)
I know, I know, 2 nights of American Idol and no picks? What can I say? So without further ado, my pics:
For Philadelphia:
"Let my people gooooooo." Hilarious.
And for Dallas:
This guy cracked us up. I mean seriously? He acted like he knew about singing and warming up voices and what not. Too funny!
So I know I'm also slacking in the layout posting. My computer was acting crazy and I haven't been in the mood to fight with it. But, the pics are coming, I promise.
Happy happy weekend to you!
Monday, January 14, 2008
Return of the Random
2. Cameron had a basketball game on Saturday. He scored 2 points. In a game where the score is like 10 to 6, that's not too shabby. LoL. There is no referee and they don't officially take score, so the final scores tend to be really low. They are just starting out, so it's the basics.
3. Glasses are proving difficult to adjust to. I haven't worn glasses full time since I was in 8th grade. It's soooo different than contacts. Contacts are so much easier and clearer. I know that my eyes are thanking me for the break from contacts. My ears though? Not so much.
4. A huge thank you to my friend mG, who gave me the link to her PRK surgery, so I was able to read about what she went through. I'm still extremely nervous.
5. I've been scrapping like a mad woman. I've done about 20 layouts and a mini book in the last week. I've been loving the break from painting. A new scrap boutique opened up in an upscale section of town. It's the cutest little shop. She doesn't have a ton of stuff, but it's really cute nonetheless.
6. The beginning stages of Payton's party are underway. Handmade invites this year. I'm working those into the scrap time too. She wants a princess dress-up party. So that's what she's gonna have.
7. Had a visit with Oreo on Saturday. He soooo doesn't remember us. Which is kinda sad. The kids don't like that he doesn't let them hold or pet him. He's a wild country cat now. LoL.
8. My computer is running as slow as molasses in January. Need to clean it out.
9. The diet/exercise regime is underway. (That word so reminds me of the Pres.) LoL. I've lost 1 pound which doesn't make me want to continue, but Eric insists that I'm not losing, I'm tightening. LoL.
10. Happy Monday.
Thursday, January 10, 2008
Another One of Those Upbeat Posts
Apparently I have thin corneas, yeah the girl that just poked me in the eye 5 times came to that conclusion. I'm not a candidate for the regular Lasik. BUT, I am a candidate for the PRK (or some sort of letter combination) Lasik. I'm pretty much blind. If you know anything about prescriptions, I'm a negative 8.5 in one eye and a 9 in the other. Nice, huh? So the difference between this Lasik and the other is that with the regular, you pretty much wake up the next morning and can see. With the PRK, the recovery's not so smooth. You have to wear bandage contacts (which apparently burn like the dickens) for 4 days and then once they are removed, in about 2 weeks, I should be seeing 20-20. So basically for those 2 weeks, I'll need a maid, cook, chauffer, etc, etc, etc. I'll be spending a lot of time in a dark room. FABULOUS.
Not to mention that I wear my contacts so dang much that I've apparently stressed my eyes out to their breaking point and have to wear glasses for at least 3 weeks before I can do my pre op appointment. Oh, you mean the glasses that are about 7 years old and I can't see squat out of? Yeah, that would be them. So Eric and I decide (or maybe it was me) that I cannot live with these glasses for that long, so we go buy new ones. Yes. New glasses to wear for about 4 weeks total. This just keeps getting better and better right. Wait, there's more.
So after dropping money on a new pair of glasses, I have to fill a prescription for eye drops. 16 day supply? $110. I'll be refilling a few times too.
So all this to see 20-20. Worth it? Not now, but I'm sure about the end of February I'll be ranting up a storm about the joys of 20-20.
There'll be a happy positive post at some point this new year, I promise! LoL. Happy Weekending!
Monday, January 07, 2008
The Trouble With Noses...
If you stick a hot pink bead up in it, it gets stuck. And your mommy freaks out.
So on Thursday evening, I'm sitting down scrapping while the kids sit across from me stringing beads on a string to make a necklace. The next thing I know, Cameron is telling me that Payton put a bead up her nose. And when I look up, she's looking kinda scared. So I proceed (calmly at this point) over to her where I start asking her if there was a bead up her nose and she tells me yes. So I look in and sure enough, hot pink bead. So I tell her not to touch it and run to get the aspirator. By the time I get back though, it's been either pushed or sucked up further into her nose. I can't really see it that well at this point. So I call Eric and start to get a little panicked. She's crying and I'm not sure what to do.
I try to get her to blow (as per the doctor on call). Well she's 3 and not a great nose blower. In fact she blows out of her mouth, not nose.
So Eric comes in and we go to the ER. The doctor comes in, looks in her nose and tells me "there is nothing in her nose that I can say is definitely a bead". Ok, I think, so what are we gonna do about the bead in my daughter's nose? He and the nurse are looking with the mirror deal and the nurse says that it looks like an inflammed mucus membrane. "Has she been sick lately?" Yes, did I mention that my daughter has a bead in her nose? So she shows me what they are seeing the "inflammed mucus membrane." That's the exact color of the bead I say. I think that's the bead. So the doc in all his knowledge looks to be getting a little annoyed and repeats "there is nothing that I can conclude is a bead in her nose. I pressed on what you saw and it's soft." At this point I'm almost in tears because a doctor is telling me that there is nothing there and I know better.
The nurse sees that I'm not too happy and says she's gonna call for a 3rd set of eyes (i.e. a second opinion) in which the doctor walked out. Probably p.o.'ed but who really cares, right? So a male nurse comes in and looks in her nose "wow it's way up there" he says immediately. Then proceeds to stick a little rubber tipped syringe in and flicks out the bead. I wanted to take it and go show the doctor. And say told you so, told you so. But I refrained.
So that my friends, is the trouble with noses.
Wednesday, January 02, 2008
Year In Review
We slept these last several days. As in slept late and napped almost everyday. How are we ever going to get back on schedule next week? I shudder to think about it. It is cold here today. The fountain is frozen. That's how I know it's cold outside. Today's high is like 45. But have no fear, by Friday the high will be 75. LoL.
Without further ado, the year in review. (That rhymes, hehe.)

I know that my family and some very close friends read this blog. I also know that people that don't know me so well read this blog. So,...
promise. But still very excited about Lost nonetheless. And we started watching the Nine, not sure if that will be a good one or not, but ...