So last night, 2 hours of American Idol and 2 hours of Lost. Made for a great TV night. First off, American Idol. We were glad to see Taylor walk away with it. We would have rather seen Elliot, but hey 3rd place isn't too shabby for a boy who looks like he is from Erath. I didn't really care for Taylor much throughout the season, but toward the end, I really started to pull for him!
Ok, now for the good stuff. Must give Ali his props, because he has been saying Desmond was coming back (he just had the week a little wrong). So some questions were answered, but in true Lost fashion, many more new questions surfaced. Such as how in the world did Desmond's girlfriend know to look for him where there would be an electromagnetic anamoly (and no I don't pretend to know what this is, just reading what was on the screen in that plane)? The only explanation to this, in my opinion, is that her father is somehow involved in the Dharma Initiative and sent him to the island and she somehow found out.
And of course did Desmond survive the shutting down of the system? Did Locke & Eko?
I must say, and Eric can attest to this one, I have been saying that I thought the guy that claimed to be Henry Gale was one of, if not the top guy of the others. Pretty excited to see that I was right on that one, because as much as I love this show and think I know what's going on, my predictions are seldom right.
Of course, one of the biggest questions. What are they going to do with Kate, Jack & Sawyer? Eric thinks that Michael will be back to help them. I sure hope that he does come back to redeem himself. He did get Walt back, which I was shocked that they let him go so easily. Or did they?? (another question, I just found something fishy about the way Henry said "Bonvyage Michael").
I think that the trio captured by the others only hope now is Sayid.
Oh and Claire kissing Charlie-very cute! Now hopefully he can keep himself clean.
Oh and Kelvin (Desmond's roomate in the hatch). Did anyone recognize him as the military officer that captured Sayid? (back in Sayid's flashback several episodes ago. It is the same man that makes Sayid torture his friend for info.)
So I think that is everything. I am just glad that it wasn't left on such a cliffhanger as it was last year. I was quite disturbed for a few days after the others took Walt. LOL. Ok for those of you that do not watch this show, I know that this post will not make any sense--sorry!
Potty training has been sort of non-existant. Tuesday we were literally gone all day, so really did not have a chance to work with her. Yesterday, I would put her every 20 minutes or so and she would wet her pull-up in between everytime.
Cameron had a game on Tuesday and another one tonight. Eric and I are both ready for the season to be done. It is really getting out of hand. Tuesday night, while they warmed up, the coaches son threw Cameron on the ground 4 times. (This boy is the biggest on the team, he's taller than Cameron and huskier). The assistant coach who was throwing them the balls said NOTHING to this child. Sometimes I wonder if we are raising Cameron to be too nice. He just would get back up and get ready for the next ball. He does not defend himself. So finally Eric went and stood by the fence where they were and told Cameron to move away from the boy. The coaches solution? He stops throwing the ball to Cameron. The discipline problems have seriously gotten so out of hand that it isn't even fun to watch anymore. Especially when it is the coaches son and they don't feel the need to discipline him at all. I think that there are 5 games left total. Ready to be done.