Dora the Explorer. And a whooooole lot of her. Dora funjump, Dora cake, Dora decorations, Dora gifts, Dora pinata, Dora plates & napkins. Dora overload. But I think she loved every minute of it, so that's good.

Friday night, she got her gift from us, a Barbie jeep with a real working radio. We could not pull her out of it. We had to go shopping for party food, and she wanted to ride the jeep all night. We finally got her out, but it wasn't easy.

A few hours before the party, just a tad excited. LoL.

Jumping in the Dora fun jump.
The kids, Eric and I enjoyed the fun jump before everyone got there. The guy came really early that morning and the party didn't start until 2, so we had some time to jump. I seriously could hardly move afterward. I was so exhausted. That is definitely a fun cardio workout. Maybe we should invest in one for the backyard? ;)
And she opened a ton of presents. She got clothes, books, toys, a tea set to match her room, an art desk, a gameboy and all the accessories, movies, sleeping bag, coloring books, playdough and accessories, sunglasses. All kinds of goodies. Her and Cameron are in heaven with all the new stuff. It's like Christmas all over again.

She had, what I though, was quite possible the ugliest cake ever. It looked so cute in the book and then when Eric got home with it I was like, UGH. Oh well. I guess I got spoiled to my sister in laws cute homeade cakes. But people ate it just the same.

The kids had lots of fun with the Dora pinata. Cameron managed to knock Dora's head off. They seemed to enjoy beating her with a stick a little too much. ;)

And....It's her party and she'll cry if she wants to. What's a party without a little fit? ;)
We had a lot of people show up, which made us very happy. After Cameron's party, I was a little worried. But we had a full house. Eric cooked a big chili. The weather was beautiful. Sunny all day and in the upper 50's-60's.
I now need to play catch up. Her actual birthday is tomorrow, she has a doctor's appt., I have a mommy and me dance class with Cam at school. I'll have to get Payton's bday dinner cooked.
There are definite things to do in the scrappy dept. Alex, your CJ is about halfway finished and WILL go out this week. And I haven't started with round 2's CJ. So there may have to be blank pages mailed out. Sorry girls! I'm gonna try my hardest to at least get my page done. It snuck up on me! On the bright side, I did get my secret Valentine's Day package mailed out, so hopefully she gets it today. I did remember that. Probably only because I got a great package in from Heidi. Thanks again girl!
So happy Monday to you all! Lots to go do. Sigh. What else is new?