Eric brought this home from the store on Monday, and I am hooked. I LOVE Sonic's cherry limeades and Sunkist is not as good as Sonic, but it's nice to be able to go to the fridge to get one whenever you want instead of actually having to drive to Sonic. And I was doing so good not drinking soft drinks. I'll blame Eric for this. LoL.
Extremely random post today. Taking Payton shopping for fall clothes today. Love that! What's more fun than clothes shopping for a little girl? I'd much rather shop for her than me. The clothes on the rack look even cuter on her, for me, well quite the opposite. The clothes look much cuter on the rack. Sigh. Oh well.
Still painting like crazy. I never dreamed my paintings would do so well. I have sold 10 sets and am working on more. Keeping me extremely busy. Thank goodness I love painting. LoL.
Loving the fall weather. If only it could stay like this. Hopefully it will. It just seems early this year for some reason.
And on a totally unrelated, yet wonderful note: the greatest tv show on earth starts a week from tonight. LoL. Yes, Lost makes its return in a week. WooHoo! So excited. There's never been a non reality show that Eric and I have both been so into. It's both of our favorite. I actually started watching it before him and he joined in about half way through season 1. We have actually laid in bed for an hour after the show finished and talked about what happend. Yes, we have issues. LoL.
Have a great day!!!!!:)