Wednesday, March 28, 2007

So Predictable...

I know. But seriously, how can you not blog about this?

There are no words really. What can one say? I've pretty much resigned myself to the fact that he probably isn't going home. No matter how painful it is to watch him. Please little teary eyed, pre-teen girls-STOP the madness. Really.

I start my photography class tonight! Woohoo. Pretty excited. My photo taking skills are very limited to automatic settings. So I'm pretty excited to learn more about what my camera can do. Then come home to some Lost. That's what I call a good night. The only thing that could make it better is if he (see above) goes home.

I started tanning Monday night for the first time in my life. Now I know why I waited so long. I'm usually one to tan in the sun. But, well, this year I figured I'd try it the quick way. For someone who's claustrophobic, it's gonna take some getting used to. I did the stand up bed and the first night, I was terrified. LoL. Last night was a little easier, I guess it'll get better as time goes on. I just hate closed in spaces. Especially hot enclosed spaces. But I can kind of already see a difference, so that makes me happy.

Happiest of Wednesdays to ya! ;)

Monday, March 26, 2007

In a Nutshell...

Such a busy weekend folks. Nonstop from Friday afternoon until Sunday evening.
I dropped the kids off at my mom's house on Friday evening and Eric and I had a date night. Gotta love those. Went to our favorite Italian restaurant here in town. Ordered our usual and the man came around and seranaded us with what has become kind of our song. "When I'm 64" by the Beatles. The man is so cute with his little Italian accent singing to all of the couples. We went home and hung up drapes in the living room. Well I was kind of falling asleep while Eric hung the drapes if you want to know the truth. We both slept sooooo good.

Saturday, we picked up the kiddos and went to a birthday party for a friend. We left, came home to a neighborhood crawfish boil. Then left there, ran home and dressed and went out to dinner with my mom and dad, little sister and Jenny and Ali. It's a place with the hibatchi grill and scrumpdiliocious food. (Nice word, huh?) I took Payton to the restroom and came out to find my sister and mom standing there. They told me that my dad took his first bite of steak and started to choke. Couldn't catch his breath. The man next to him had to give him the hymelich manuever. Scary stuff. He was fine after. My sis Jenny is a nurse but was sitting all the way on the other side of the table, so the man next to him took care of business. I'm just glad I wasn't there to see it, because in true Amber fashion, I would've been panicking. But he was and is fine, just a scary thing.

Sunday was church, lunch, Target and then over to a friend's house for supper. Nonstop all weekend. But a great weekend. Love when Jenny and Ali come in, we just never seem to get enough time with them. Hopefully for Easter we'll have more.

Cameron starts Tball practices on Thursday afternoon and I start my photography class on Wednesday. So, hopefully some better photo skills are on their way.

On another note, Eric and I loved this performance so much, that I felt like we needed an encore. So, for your veiwing pleasure.....

Wednesday, March 21, 2007

Bad Mommy

Yeah, that's me. After arriving at the zoo yesterday with Cameron and his class, I realized that I had indeed forgotten the camera at home. Bad scrapbook mommy for sure. Especially when your son holds an alligator. Not an everyday occurence folks. Luckily, they were selling polaroid pics. Way overpriced, might I add. But I thought it was a photo worth having.

They had a really good alligator show. A man in the water catching the gator. The kids were all screaming at the top of their lungs. But they all loved it. I was very shocked that Cameron was so anxious to go up and hold this one.

Started exercising and trying to eat better last week. It's been good. I really was ready to do it this time and I hope that I can keep it up. It's so stinking hard. This go round I'm trying not to weigh myself. I don't really care to do the work and then get on the scale to find that I am still weighing the same. Maybe down the road, but for now, no weighing. Just exercising and eating better. I already feel a lot better than I was feeling previously.

American Idol. Does anyone else want to gouge their eyes out everytime Sanjaya gets up to perform. And stuff cotton in their ears? Yeah, it's pretty bad. I told Eric that if someone wanted to torture me (LOST style), they could strap me to a chair and turn last night's performance on full blast. With the strobe lights and the singing and hair and AAAHHH! I'd go crazy for sure.

Hope your having a good start to Spring. We've been at about 80 the last few days. The kids are loving it and the time change.

Friday, March 16, 2007


The new and (if possible) even cuter... PayPayt...

So the haircut was a HUGE success. I'm loving it right now. Soooo much easier to take care of. She's really liking it too. She keeps saying "Mommy, Daddy my hair looks aw um." Or awesome for those of you who don't speak 3 year old. So cute. And this weekend, she's gonna be getting earrings. She totally has no idea what she's in for. Eric has been wanting to pierce her ears since she was born so that he could make her some earrings. That's a jeweler daddy for ya! ;) That will be an interesting thing to watch. I'm nervous for her.

Happy weekending! :)

Wednesday, March 14, 2007


So not a whole lot going on. Just some random thoughts today.

The whole family has a haircut appointment today. Except for the one who really needs it. Uh, that would be me. Well Payton and Cameron could really use one as well. This will be Payton's first real haircut. She's only had a trim before. I MUST remember to get a few clippings. I totally forgot when she had the trim. Cameron has a whole page in his baby book with before and after pics and a little ziploc with several clippings of hair. Poor Payton, she's gonna have the second child syndrome for sure.

Cameron's home from school today. It's Kindergarten registration at school, so the K students had the day off. I'm totally expecting serious fighting to be going on. They've been good so far, but it's early yet. They are like a cat and dog, I tell ya.

Planning a mini vacation at the end of April with another couple. Holla, Shaina! Minus the kiddos. Sounds like a winner to me. We are planning our family vacation at the end of June sometime. But a little getaway before is just what the mommies ordered.

D-I'm totally gonna take you up on your blog assistance offer. I am an HTML dork. And I'm ready for a new banner when you are! ;)

mR-I totally had a dream about you last night. I just went through a semi-fiasco with a shade that I had ordered for our front door. The girl messed up and blamed it on my doorknob. LoL. And then tried to fix it but it's still not perfect. Anyways, I had you taking a look at it to try to fix it better. LoL. Do you sew shades?

Painting is starting to pick up again. Which is good and bad. I rather enjoyed the little break, but I do need some spending money for the mini vaca. The guys are already planning out their golf games, so we need to be prepared for some serious shopping.

Jenny & Ali, I dreamed about you guys as well. When you have a child that comes in 3 and 4 times a night, you tend to have a lot of dreams. LoL. You guys showed up for a surprise visit this weekend.

American Idol. The Diana Ross songs didn't do much for me. Sanjaya REALLY NEEDS TO GO. Like 3 weeks ago. The hair and the voice and the moves, too much for me really. So many good girls. I really like Melinda Doolittle. She's got an AMAZING voice and I love how humble she is. She's so not like, I deserve to be here and be a star, etc, etc. Hope that she goes far. Anxious for the results tonight.

Lost tonight.


Monday, March 12, 2007

bLoG MoRoN

Yeah, that's me. Did anyone happen to see that lovely X where my banner used to be last week? Yeah, well, that was me trying to change my banner. Well the current banner on my blog that you see, yeah I managed that one. But apparently that was sheer luck. I tried doing the exact same thing as last time but kept getting this X. So well, I gave up. Maybe I'll try another time.

Below, my fave song at the moment as I shared with you in the "things making me happy" post down below. The video is quite cheesy. At least he's not too hard on the eyes. ;)But it's the best sound quality I could find. So at least maybe you can enjoy some music while reading the drab blog. LoL. Happy Monday to you! :)

Thursday, March 08, 2007

Making Me Happy

After the last whiney post, I figured I'd lift Jill's advice (yet again) and post about what's making me happy right now.
So without further ado and in no particular order.

1. This show.

Finally last night, it was back to it's old self, and that's a very good thing.

2. This wonderful piece of genius.
I love this thing. I've got a mix of Christian and 80's songs. Strange combo, I know. My fave song right now would have to be "Made to Love" by Toby Mac. Could listen to that one over and over. And how about downloading a Dora episode or two for Payton while I grocery shop?

3. Of course, these three. Especially times like last night. When there is serious cutting up. There was pouring of a cup of ice water on Eric's head. Good times, folks. ;)

4. This lovely little combo.

A lime sherbet and Sunkist cherry lime-ade float. Yummy. So summer-like.

5. Flowers popping up everywhere. As much as I love the cold, I'm a sucker for Spring. Love when all the flowers start blooming. I love this big, pink, out of control bush in our front flower bed. We've been having highs in the 70's, so it's been really nice. Flip flop weather! Yay!

6. This color combo.

How'd you know MichelleR? ;) From scrapbooking to painting to Payton's wardrobe. Love these two colors together!

So that's a sampling of the things that I'm loving lately. Share some of yours!

Have a great day. The weekend's right around the corner! ;)

Monday, March 05, 2007

The Other Evil

That's right. Eric and I got our grubby little hands on some of these this weekend and um, not good. Seriously. What are they trying to do to me? With the easter candy and girl scout cookies all at the same time. I can assure you that the boxes we bought won't last the week. If they last a few more days, I'll be surprised.

Another thing on this fine Monday morning that I find quite disturbing? The neighbors dog barking ALL night long. "All night long...all night." Yeah I'm quoting Lionel Richie songs, cuz I'm just that tired. Hello? Could we please do something with the dog people. Couple that with a little blondie that came in our room, um 3 times. And yeah, there you have our night. Oh and did I mention that I got up at 4:30 this morning because I could hear Payton coming saying that she had teeteed in the bed, only to find Cameron sitting on the sofa watching cartoons. At 4:30. AM. So apparently the dog didn't just have me up. Are there laws against this kind of thing in a subdivision? I'm gonna have to do some research.

Wow. That was a complain-y post. That's what happens when I'm "dog tired". Pun intended. ;)

Friday, March 02, 2007

To My Readers...

that are not LOST watchers, I apologize. This is yet another post about Lost. I tried to post on our Lost blog but had issues. Nothing important at all. Eric was disappointed this time. But at least there were some funny parts. My fave part by a mile... It was so funny watching these 4 crazies drive an old beat up van through the grass. I guess since the show is usually so intense, it was nice to see them actually cutting up and having fun.
And the fact that Kate has left "James" behind and gone to look for Jack. Love that. And now they'll have Alex on their side . I totally think she could take on Isabel. ;)

Have a great weekend! :)

On to Jr. High!