It's November 2nd. Which means that tomorrow is November 3rd. Which means that exactly one month from tomorrow I will be 30 years old! Oh my goodness! 30! That's frightening.

Here's Cam from Tuesday. In all of his cowboy goodness. And of course, Dora.

They were both so proud of their costumes.

It was so stinking hot on Tuesday. At Cameron's field trip to the pumpkin patch, we were sweating all day. And it didn't cool off very much that night. So Dora was comfortable in her shorts and T. Today on the other hand much cooler. It was actually pretty cold this morning.
So Lost last night. Oh my word. And can I just ask what in the world is up with the "fall season finale". What's that about? They play the show for a month and it's already time for a finale? Crazy! But last night was a goody. I must say though, I was sad to see Eko go. What in the world is up with the crazy black smoke? I am assuming that it is taking on the image of the people they are seeing (Eko-Yemi, and Jack with his father, Kate with the horse)? Don't know, that's just my assumption, but we all know what happens when we assume! I don't get the black smoke picking him up and throwing him around like a rag doll. I don't guess the others have anything to do with that? Who knows really.
Oh and Juliet with the "movie". Ok so is she lying about wanting Ben dead or is she setting Jack up yet again. I'm glad to see that there is finally some conflict among the others and hopefully our little group of castaways can bring them down. Down with the Others! LoL. And what is up with the pirate in the hatch? Quite creepy. I had to laugh when Locke said "So I guess he'll be expecting us. " LoL. Good ole Locke. Never scared of anything. Next week looks equally good and then a looong break.
And then we watch the Nine which is quite possibly one of the slowest most boring shows ever. Not sure why we are still watching. We say every week "this is our last week". But the dvr continues to record it and we continue to watch it. The previews for this show looked so much better than it is. I definitely think it will be a one season deal. Because really The Nine=snoozefest.
For all my scrappy friends, I've finally come out of my cave and ordered some Hambly and Bam Pop goodness. Because really, I need something to get the creative mojo going asap. Cannot wait to get it all in!
That's all I've got. Since I probably won't post again tomorrow, have a fab weekend! And thanks again for reading this crazy thing!