Wednesday, January 31, 2007

Stating the Obvious

Yeah, that's me. If you watched AI last night, I'm pretty sure that you already know who today's winner will be. Some nights, they're a little more obvious than others. And I included a pic today. At least she's got her shirt closed in the pic.
What I found funny is that when that girl from last week was practically falling out of her dress, Paula was sitting there with her shirt closed. And then did ya see her last night? Um hello. And I'm pretty sure she was a little bit on the tipsy side. She was acting crazy!

So there ya have it, my winner from last night. The 50 year old lady dressed like Big Bird. And just think, one week from tonight, the return of LOST! WOOHOO!

Eric is home sick today with fever and chills. I'm begging him to not get the kids sick. LoL. They've actually been better for 2 weeks now. I DO NOT want them sick again. He's saying he'll probably go in to work later. Um hello, when you're home sick with fever and chills, why can't you just take the whole day? I sure would ;)

Monday, January 29, 2007


The weekend flew by.
It started out on Friday when we went to a Bingo fundraiser at Cam's school. It was a cake bingo and apparently the entire school showed up. The cafeteria was FULL and we ended up sitting in the hallway. They were giving away 386 cakes. And I'll say this, we had 4 bingo cards to start. And then some friends, who had 6 cards, gave us theirs because they had already won 2 cakes and they were leaving. So we played 10 cards and didn't bingo one time. We sat in the hallway watching families leaving with 5 and 6 cakes and we won none. LoL. All Eric and I could do was laugh. The kids wanted to win a cake so badly. And after all the cakes were gone and I convinced Cameron that we'd just go home and bake one so that they could lick the bowl and beaters, a family who apparently felt sorry for us leaving with nothing, gave us a cake. Unfortunately it was lemon and coconut ( 2 things we're not too fond of in a cake). But alas, we left with a cake and then gave it away ourselves. So there you have it. The unluckiest Bingo players alive. lol

Have a great Monday all!

Thursday, January 25, 2007

Last Night...

After seeing the very first contestant on idol, I thought I had my winner.

"Gloria, Gloria." This guy was insane. The New Yawk accent was unreal. But then, after the last contestant, Isadora (no photo available), I kind of changed my mind. But I think they are both deserving of last night's worst. So today, we have co-winners. LoL.

Yesterday actually was pretty productive painting wise. I got a whole lot done. Still a ton left to do though. My friend Brandy and I are taking a photography class tonight, so that should be pretty fun. And hopefully informative. We tried to sign up for a class that was going to be a couple of months long, but it was full, so we are on a waiting list for next go round. Now that I have that nice camera, I'd like to learn to do more than just use the automatic setting. Lol.

So happy Thursday to you all! Cannot believe the weekend's upon us, already! :)

Wednesday, January 24, 2007

A Huge Thank You...

To the person who invented Tivo/DVR! What would television be without it? Idol wouldn't be as interesting that's for sure. Which leads me to last night's winner. Sorry, wasn't being very cooperative, so I wasn't able to get a pic. And I'm not even really sure of her name. Fanjita or Janita or something to that effect. The one who thought the judges would find her conservative, confident and sexy. When asked why whe dressed the way she did, her answer? "It booses my confidentiality". OH MY WORD! Eric and I both lost it at that point. And rewound. "It booses my confidentiality." And rewound. You get the idea. I was truly scared she was gonna fall out of her dress during that audition. Paula kept closing her own shirt. LoL. Good times, folks. Again, sorry no pic. But if you saw the show, you remember her.

On a semi-related note. I chatted with
  • Heidi
  • last night. So much fun. I adore these CJ girlahs! ;) Her and her hubby enjoyed the confidentiality booses as well.

    I have an extrememly quiet house today. Eric at work, Cam at school, and Payton at Grandma's. I'm supposed to be painting, and will be in a few, just couldn't leave you all hanging for my pic from last night. I know you were anxiously awaiting. ;) LoL. I'll post again tomorrow, hopefully with a pic. 2 hours tonight. Woo Hoo! :)

    Monday, January 22, 2007


    An update. Cameron is back at school. After a long, sick and very trying (on both Mommy and son) week home. He wasn't feeling good enough to go to school, but he was feeling just good enough to drive Payton crazy. Yep, that's our Cam. Oh and did I mention another trip back to the pharmacy to spend $100 on the EXACT same medicine that we had to buy for Payton 2 weeks ago? Because, yeah that happend somewhere in the haze that is last week as well.

    On a brighter note, we munched on some of these yummies on Friday.

    It was our first time having boiled crawfish this season, and they were yummy! Eric got a gift cert. to the restaurant for Christmas and we wanted to make sure and utilize the entire thing so we ordered so much food, it was crazy. We made pigs out of ourselves, we really did. My friends in other states, if I could, I would send you each some of these bad boys. Or better yet, have you all here for a huge crawfish boil!

    Saturday brought along organization. Eric and I revamped the office. So now it feels like an office, not some tiny room that a hurricane hit. It was really bad. When you throw away 3 garbage bags of trash from a very tiny room, you know it's bad. And then he washed both vehicles in the freezing cold. He tackled that job on his own. I wasn't that brave. Oh and we finally took down the outdoor Christmas decorations. So it was quite the successful day. Unlike Sunday, where the entire family slept until 11:00. Cameron, Payton, Eric and I. 11:00. Crazy, I tell you! Then proceeded to watch the Saints lose. Come on folks, how can people from New Orleans that play in a dome, be expected to win outside in freezing cold, snowy conditions? I'm gonna blame it on the weather, if they would have been at home they could've won it;) So no Superbowl for the Saints. But there's always next year right? ;)

    So folks, that's the weekend in a nutshell. Nothing too exciting. Unless of course, you consider cleaning out the office exciting. Happy Monday to ya! :)
    Oh yeah, stay tuned for Wednesday's exciting blog post when I reveal tomorrow night's Idol winner. LoL. I'm a dork, I know this.

    Thursday, January 18, 2007

    Wednesday Night's Winner...

    Without question...

    Darwin: "Dontcha wish your girlfriend was hot like me?"
    Simon: "No."

    Wednesday, January 17, 2007

    Go On Get Out Of Our Lives...

    And let me sleep at night. LoL. Speaking of all the yucks around here. Finally Cameron seems to be better although I shouldn't speak too soon. School was cancelled today because we had the potential of ice on the roads and us southerners don't get that sort of thing very often, and judging by the way people drive when it rains, it would have been a disaster. And I could have left the let me sleep at night part off, because we have gotten 2 nights of very good sleep. In fact, Payton and I slept until 10:30 today. Yes, I said 10:30. And Cameron slept until 11:15. I cannot tell you the last time I slept that late. Could be because Eric and I were up VERY late (almost 2) watching American Idol that we had taped. Or just the cold. Either way, we all slept in and it was gooooood!!!

    How many of you are AI fans? Well, hands down I have my winner from last night.

    Did you see her? The girl with the neck tie singing Prince's Kiss? Oh my word! I was laughing so hard. "Women not girls, I said women not girls, not girls, women, be my girl, rule my world, women not girls." And they let her go on FOREVER. Struggling to remember how the song went. So stinking funny!
    How can you do that to yourself? Really.
    And then there are the kids who couldn't sing a tune if their life depends on it and there are their parents telling them how good they are and to go for it. I mean really, I intend to encourage my children's hopes and dreams, but I gotta draw the line at them going on national tv to try and sing if they really can't. Don't get me wrong, I would LOVE for my kid's to have some sort of singing talent. I don't know if that's genetic or not. If it is, they will most definitely not have an ounce.

    I've got a ton of painting to do. So much, it hurts my head to think about it. And Dora party invites to make. And house to clean. And the list goes on and on. So I guess I should sign off and get my rear in gear. Sleeping until 10:30 really makes it hard to get going.
    Happy day to you all!

    Monday, January 15, 2007

    Yet Another Weather Post

    So when there's a winter storm warning with lots of ice and freezing rain and temps, you go toward it right? Well apparently, we do. We checked before leaving for the Dallas/Plano area and saw that it would be cold, so we packed up some winter clothes and big coats. But we get there and there's all these ice warnings. Unsafe conditions, etc. Pretty funny that we would go toward that. But I did enjoy the cold, but it would have been alot easier to handle without all the ice cold rain. And out of all that, no snow. But we still got out and about on Saturday. We went do some shopping and yes I made it to the scrapbook store. Such a cool place. I think I've talked about it before. It's got all these buckets in the store with individual chipboard, playing cards, brads, eyelets, stickers, buttons. All kinds of things. That way you can buy just 1 or 2 if that's all you need. So very cool!

    So to sum up our trip: Good family. Good food. Good shopping. Good football. (Yes peeps, the Saints are one win away from the Superbowl!) Good times! Thanks Jenny & Ali! We left a little earlier than planned because the conditions were supposed to get worse during the day yesterday. We left at a chilly 31 degrees, drove home for 6 hours to 71 degree weather. But that same cold is heading it's way over here today.
    And apparently the rule is that once you get one kid better, the other must get sick. After fighting with Payton's yucky bug for almost 3 weeks, Cameron is now sick again with fever. As much as I love the cold, I'm thinking that Spring needs to get here, and quick. We've basically been sick this entire winter, thus far. Luckily there was no schoool today for MLK day.
    Happy Monday to you all!

    Thursday, January 11, 2007


    We'll be heading out to Texas tomorrow. Going to see Jenny & Ali's new house and visit for a few days! So happy to be getting away for the weekend. After all the yuckies and sickness that have come through this house in the last 3 weeks, it'll be good to get out. And I'm hoping to visit the Scrap Bucket store. Such a cool store. Must try to get there this weekend!

    And Pops and I are pretty excited about the Saint's game on Saturday. Our home team is having the best season, ever!!! That's pretty exciting for us Louisiana folks! Well not so much Eric as he doesn't really like football. But I grew up watching the Saints with my dad and have watched ever since. Even through the usually dismal seasons. But this year has been fun to watch for once.

    Took Payton to the doctor on Monday. Apparently she had two very swollen and fluid-filled ears. He wrote me a prescription to the tune of $95.oo for 10 teaspoons. Yeah, I almost fell over when the pharmacist told me the price. I've never paid that much for medicine! And he also prescribed some cough syrup which was only $10. But she's not really coughing much anymore.

    So that's about the only interesting thing here that took place all week.

    Hope you all have a great weekend!

    Monday, January 08, 2007

    Conversation With A Duck

    Yeah, I had one of those yesterday. Let me explain. We were at my parent's house. My grandmother, aunt and uncle were in visiting from out of town. Eric came in and asked who the dog across the street that was attacking the duck was for. So naturally we all got up to see. The people across the street from my parent's house have goats & ducks in a field by their house. My mom tells him that the duck belongs to the people who live there. I looked and saw that no one was home and headed out to save the duck. The dog had it by it's neck and it was flapping around trying to escape. I go to the fence, with no shoes, in the muddy mess and start hollering at the dog, who naturally turned to look at me. Then starts growling at me with a mouth full of feathers. Meanwhile, the duck comes running toward me and comes under the fence to meet me. Then he (or she-that part was not determined) crosses the road with me and comes back to my parent's house where he (or she) proceeds to start quacking as though telling me the story. I kept talking back and saying "yeah, tell me about it". LoL. So anyhoo, the duck told me all about the adventure, then proceeded to hide under my sister's car. When the dog finally gave up and went back to the barn, the duck crossed the street (but not before looking both ways and went back home). And Cameron noticed that he looked both ways and even pointed it out "that duck knows the right way to cross the street". So apparently, the duck is also a good roll model. Sadly though, as we were driving away, the dog was after the duck again. Eric thinks that the dog is just playing. I have a feeling that the duck doesn't see it the same way.

    So how's that for random? LoL. That was Sunday, and sadly I didn't have a camera to document the event because it was pretty funny, well not so much for the duck.

    We decided that we're heading out to the big D this weekend. Dallas that is, well Plano to be exact to visit with my sis and bro in law. Can't wait for a little getaway. Unfortunately Payton will be heading to the doctor today. She seemed to be getting better and her cough came back with a vengance this weekend. And nothing is helping it. She cannot stop coughing. So much for being all better, huh?

    Here's another layout that I did last week. It really isn't crooked in real life, it just scanned that way. Hope you all have a good day!

    Friday, January 05, 2007

    What is Up??

    With all the rain around here? Last Saturday, we had a storm that flooded the city. We were coming back from my parent's house and the main road home was closed because it was flooded, so we had to take some back roads which were also flooded. Then yesterday, it literally rained the entire day. I think it stopped for 30 minutes at one point but that was it. 2 people died in the next city over from all of the tornadoes. Crazy weather this is. I tend to blog about the weather a lot don't I?

    Anyhoo, we are almost completely better from all the nasty sickness that we had. Almost 2 weeks of sinus/coughing/fever sickness around here. But it's just about over. The kids still cough from time to time, but for the most part, we're all better.

    Cameron has been back in school for 3 days, and he is having a very hard time getting up in the mornings. Like crying, throwing himself around, "I'm tired!!!" kind of hard. So everynight he's getting into bed a little earlier. He's had the hardest time getting back into the swing of things. And he's not the only one.

    The kids yesterday fought like cats and dogs. From the time Cameron got home, they were going at it. For every little thing. So finally I'd had enough. After a whole lot of fussing, they got on their knees. (I hated that when I was younger so I thought I'd give it a shot). Then I decided to let them go have another chance. So back into the playroom they go. I told them not to talk to each other, look at each other, to find 2 different things to play with and stay away from the other one. Well they lasted approximately 2 minutes and 10 seconds before they were fighting again. So back on their knees they came. Then after that I had them sit in each of the recliners facing each other and put on "World News Tonight". They sat that way for an hour and 20 minutes. And no one spoke except to say "this is soooo boring". Well I guess mission accomplished because there was no fighting for the rest of the night. So I'm thinking watching "world news tonight"= pretty good punishment. LoL.

    I actually had time to scrap a page or two this week. Not for lack of painting, because I had a ton of that to do. It's just that when I pulled out all of my scrap stuff to do Heidi's CJ, I couldn't resist doing a page or two before I saved it all up.

    Yeah, as you can tell, not much going on in these parts, as this is the randomest post ever! Is randomest even a word? Have a wonderful weekend, everyone. Eric told the kids this morning that sleeping until 10 tomorrow is mandatory. I have a feeling since we don't have to wake up, the kids will be up by 6.

    Tuesday, January 02, 2007

    Wow, It's 2007

    Already??? Where did the last year go??? We are surviving over here. The kids and I are finally almost better. Payton still has a pretty bad cough and of course can no longer sleep through the night, because she's so used to waking up. She really just got to start playing with all of her Christmas toys on Monday. Up until that point, she had been too sick to do anything. Cameron goes back to school tomorrow. It's gonna be tough getting back into our old schedule. We've been up half the night and sleeping until 10 o'clock or so every morning since we've been sick. Tomorrow though, like it or not, that alarms gonna go off early.

    Jill, I really enjoyed your year in review pics, so well, I'm gonna "borrow" your idea. LoL. Anyway, here goes. A look back at '06.

    January--I know this looks like fall, but it's actually January 1st of last year. And the kids are in shorts.












    Wishing you all a very happy & healthy 2007!!!

    On to Jr. High!