On another brighter and happier note, Payton has been asking for a big girl bike. Well her birthday has passed and Christmas is still kinda far off. We've been putting it off and trying to make it to Christmas. So anyhoo, we're walking through Walmart on Sunday and find this little gem.
A $43.00 bike on clearance for $12.00. The only problem? The back tire is flat as a pancake and needs a new tube. Cost of tube? $2.50. Total cost of bike $14.50. She is riding like a big girl already. It took her a few hours to get the hang of it, but she's now riding like a pro. It has a bell, streamers, a little bag on the front, and her absolute fave-the baby seat on the back to ride CoCo around in. She has not ridden it yet without her baby in tow. Such a good find.
So summer has begun. All the kids out of school and it's supposed to be mid 90's by next week. And I'm soooo happy that it's Friday. Next week's our anniversary and I'm planning a little overnighter to Baton Rouge. We did the same thing last year, but it was so nice to just get away.
So happy that it's Friday (I've mentioned that already, huh?). AAAAHHHH. Why can't they all be short weeks like this one?